Hi I'm Brianna. I'm a year 5 at school this year. It is my 3rd year at Enrich. Enrich is a place for gifted kids. At Enrich there are 4 Domains - Personal Development, Conceptual Development, Talent Development and Mental Edge. This year I'm going to try and get better at performing.I attend Enrich on a Monday.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Custom Glitter Text
Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich we had a technology challenge. We had to be in group of 3 and the people in my group were Grace, Daniel, and me. We had to pretend we were MacGyver , (who is a person from the 80's show) when his feet was in the concrete, (ours was in a tape box and the other people were holding our feet down to the ground ) and in 15 minutes he had to build a gadget to reach the hammer and the chisel, (like we did except we built ours out of cello tape, paper clips, news paper, a plastic bag and cut with scissors). No team got it but it was still fun.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Passion Time
Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich we had a really awesome passion time. For passion time I started a mosaic. It is in the shape of a B for baby Brianna. First we had to make the shape of our mozaic. Then we had to pick a coloured tile and smash it up. That was all we did today for our mozaic. It doesn't sound like much but it's a lot. The people who are doing a mozaic with me are Claudia , Grace and Ali. I think there all going to look really cool. The colours that I'm going to use on my mozaic are ballet pink and baby blue. With the peices that are smashed up we are going to stick them on the base tile and then we are done. Just three complicated steps. Goodbye for now and I'll see you next time.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Teacher Comment
Hi Brianna.
It’s great to see you so enthusiastic about your gardening project. I’m pleased you enjoyed your visit to both Nichols and Diack’s Nurseries on Friday. You gathered some helpful information, which will help you move forward with your next step in this project. You worked well within your group of 6 to discuss you facts and wonderings from the clip about air pollution. It’s hard to imagine living in those conditions. Were you surprised that Wellington was rated the cleanest city in the world? Great to see you trying a video post on your blog today - I’m sure people will enjoy hearing what you had to say about your day at Enrich! Katie.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Thursday, 6 September 2012
What did I win...
Hi,Brianna here. Today at Enrich I played chess and by looking at my title you realise that I won but want to tell you who I played and how I won. First of all, I played my best friend, Grace. Secondly I won by eventually killing all her pieces except for her king, with only four of my pieces and then got her in checkmate, but it was very fun because it was long. I think it was a very tough game. I think she will be trying beat me all the time because she never has.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich we did environment projects. If I didn't tell you already I am in the gardening group. The people in the gardening group are Claudia, Grace, Sophie, Christina, Arnia and me. While 1 person was finding prices on the internet the other people were making posters on the ipad. The posters were about composting. The apps we used were doodle buddy and draw pad. After a while I got bored of the ipad and decided to use a piece of paper, but it was my go on the computer so I didn't get to.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
3.D Drawing
Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich I did 3.D drawing with Darryn. 1 of the things I found interesting was that 3.D stands for 3 directions and 3 dimensions. Did you know that ? I found some of it really hard. Darryn said''You are doing very well because normally you want see this until year nine and ten!!!''. We had to draw three see through boxes but it's harder than you think. This is what mine looks like.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Elephant toothpaste
Hi, Brianna here today at Enrich I went to science. It was with Jenni. The people that went had to make Elephant toothpaste. If you don't know what elephant toothpaste is, it looks this. Don't try it at home or else you will find a messy house at your feet. My partner was Claudia. Ours looked like this when it first came out.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Painting with Katie
Hi, Brianna here. Today I'm going to tell you about painting with Katie. We had to do the same picture as last time except it's on a bigger piece of paper and at the start we had to use colour wash. I didn't get time to finish it but you will think I did. I hope you like it. It is a lily pond.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Today at Enrich we made murals. A mural is a big painting but we were just sketching on a small piece of paper. It was kind of like a plan if we wanted to do a mural. I don't want to do it but we still had to do one. Mine looks like this. It's things that are special to Invercargill.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
WaterLily Painting
Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich we did some painting.
Mine looked like this.
Our aim was to used 5 colours and mix them to make other colours and tried to make it like Claude Monet's painting. He painted using a style called impressionism.
I really enjoyed it.
It was with Katie.
You could of done science or maths if you didn't do this.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Self Assessment T2
Hi, Brianna here today at Enrich we did our self assessment for term two. A self assessment is something that tells what you things like, what you want to get better at and what you are proud of.
This is what mine looks like.
Before that we played a Wilson game. To play you were in a group of three or four, then the person that wasn't in a group claps their hands and the groups jump forwards but you have to jump at the same time and land at the same time.
You try to get a first second and third.
To get first ,second or third you have to jump eight feet and then jump into a hoop.
Bye for now and see you next time.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Today at photography ,we had to choose a picture that we took to go into a competition.
I chose this photo.
Then we got to go on photofunia.
This was my favourite one.
I chose this photo.
Then we got to go on photofunia.
This was my favourite one.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Kowhaiwhai patterns
Today I did a kowhaiwhai pattern.
It takes a long time to do them.
In the middle I made a mistake but I fixed it.
I fell very happy.
The only colours you can use is black,red and white.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Queens Park
Today at Enrich the photography people went to Queens Park to take photos of mostly all of nature.
I took one hundred and ten photos, but I took lots of photos of different things like flowers.
The teacher who went with us was Katie.
I thought it was excellent and I got some great photos!
I took one hundred and ten photos, but I took lots of photos of different things like flowers.
The teacher who went with us was Katie.
I thought it was excellent and I got some great photos!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Today at Enrich I did painting for passion time.
Passion time is when you choose 1 thing to do that is involved with learning.
I did a picture of a rook but it wasn't good.
It was still enjoyable.
Passion time is when you choose 1 thing to do that is involved with learning.
I did a picture of a rook but it wasn't good.
It was still enjoyable.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Today at Enrich I had photography.
It was with Katie but we had an expert called Paula in to help us.
I think that Paula is awesome.
It was mainly just taking pictures and changing them, but it was awesome.
I had my face painted as a mouse and mouse ears on, so I was kind of like a star.
After we took the pictures we got to see them on her computer.
Then we got to choose 2 photos to change.
One of them would be to make them more beuatiful and the other one would be to make it different.
It was with Katie but we had an expert called Paula in to help us.
I think that Paula is awesome.
It was mainly just taking pictures and changing them, but it was awesome.
I had my face painted as a mouse and mouse ears on, so I was kind of like a star.
After we took the pictures we got to see them on her computer.
Then we got to choose 2 photos to change.
One of them would be to make them more beuatiful and the other one would be to make it different.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Teacher Comment
Hi Brianna.
I noticed such a big jump in your confidence on Friday! With each task you had to complete, you headed away and got it done without needing any assistance from Darryn, Alana or myself! I was very impressed with the amount of effort you put into your tasks such as your self-assessment and your learning wheel. It’s great that you are feeling more comfortable at Enrich. You confidence will continue to grow and grow now that you are more aware of how we run our programme here. Well done Brianna. Katie.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Brianna's learning wheel

A learning wheel is about our learning in term one.
The sections are all about how I felt, I wondered, I tried, I learned and I used. If you click on the picture it will get bigger and you will be able to read it!
Today at Enrich we started the day with a game of chess. I played against Darryn, Meg and Grace. I won one game and lost two games.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Today at Enrich.
Today at Enrich I wrote a bio poem. It took me ages to do it all. It was with Darryn. We had to plan it in our books first. It took a long time to plan it. I also did some photography with Katie. This is for talent development. We actually did not take any photos, we just looked at some examples and talked about what was good, bad and interesting about them. We decided on where we are going to go and take our photos and what the themes of our photos might be.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Today was my first day playing leader board chess.
I lost my first game, I lost my second game, I didn't finish my third game and I won my last game. Next week I want to play against Liam W because he is the person that is on top of my name on the leaderboard.
I lost my first game, I lost my second game, I didn't finish my third game and I won my last game. Next week I want to play against Liam W because he is the person that is on top of my name on the leaderboard.
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