Thursday, 25 October 2012

What a Game!!!

Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich played a annoying game of chess against Katie and at the end after all the annoying stuff I had been through I lost. It was a really interesting and short game but I knew that I was going to be the one who lost the game. I was trying to get some of  my pawns to the end but they all died sadly. Early in the game I lost my Queen which was one of the really annoying things. After about 25-30 minutes Katie got me in checkmate with only my King left. Goodbye for know and have a nice day.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Hi, Brianna here. Today at Enrich we had a technology challenge. We had to be in group of 3 and the people in my group were Grace, Daniel, and me. We had to pretend we were MacGyver , (who is a person from the 80's show) when his feet was in the concrete, (ours was in a tape box and the other people were holding our feet down to the ground ) and in 15 minutes he had to build a gadget to reach the hammer and the chisel, (like we did except we built ours out of cello tape, paper clips, news paper,  a plastic bag and cut with scissors). No team got it but it was still fun.