Sunday, 29 June 2014

Last Week of School!

Hi guys, guess what....IT"S THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL ( for this term) and I'm really excited!

Today, I grouted and cleaned my mosaic. Which means I'm pretty much finished! Katie got some bottled grout which was really hard to get out but I guess that's a lot easier than making the grout. 

See you later :)

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Custom Glitter Text

As you all know (or should know) I am not the best at chess. So, today I was pretty surprised when I got what must have my 3rd or 4th win in my life. It started when I challenged Grace to a game of chess. Then we set up.  I was white and she was black. When we got started I tried to do scholars but Grace stopped me. Scholars is when you do four moves to get the other person in checkmate. Anyway I just kind of had to get on with it and come up with a new plan. After 5 or so turns I got one. Kill all her pieces so it's a couple of pawns and the King. Unfortunately I lost some pieces along the way but I still got her in Checkmate.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

What week is it???

Hi guys, guess what week it is this week........GIFTED AWARENESS WEEK! Gifted awareness week is a week to be aware of gifted individuals I guess. We watched a clip about different peoples perspectives on being gifted. One person was saying that you had to be born with a sort of "gift" to be gifted. Another person said that you could try really hard and do lots of practice in an area you're passionate about, and you could become gifted. So you see, it is kind of like a debate. I think you have to be born with it but as you can see nobody knows - at the moment.  We also discussed how gifted people stick out.

See ya' later! :)